Sunday, July 17, 2011

Busy Sunday

This morning after church, we went to Bob Evan's for breakfast. Dad and Adam dressed alike again. It's a good thing that they have enough similar shirts. When Adam has one that Dad really likes but doesn't have a match, he gets upset.

After breakfast, we went to Mineral Beach. Elena came with us. Adam loves floating around in his duck tub. Elena was providing the motor. Aunt Kim, Jacob, and Brianna met us there as well.

Mom and Adam were waiting for Dad and Elena to finish going off of the diving board. Adam kept himself busy playing with his bath tub toys.

Then, we went to visit Great Grandma. Adam had a lot of fun pushing around Great Grandma's walker. He is starting to get the feel for this walking thing.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Marco's Graduation Dinner

Tonight was Marco's Graduation Dinner. Is is hard to tell from the picture, but Adam and Dad have on almost the same shirt. It is a good thing that these two can coordinate their outfits! Congratulations to Marco and Good Luck in College!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dress Fitting

Mom had to go try on her dress for Aunt Shana's wedding. Maria, Elena, Aunt Rosie, Heather, and Ryan went, too. Maria and Elena did a great job keeping Adam and Ryan busy while Mom and Heather tried on their dresses.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bettis Picnic

After work, we went to Dad's picnic. Alison kept Adam busy blowing bubbles. Then, Adam played with four plastic fish. It kept him busy for a while. Adam ended up coming home with not only the four fish but also a little golf set. What a night!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pups in the Park

Tonight was all about Chloe. We took her to her yearly Pittsburgh Pirates game. It is the third year that she has been to Pups in the Park. Adam got to experience his first (no inside Mom's belly).

We asked another fan to take a picture of the whole family.

In honor of the evening, Adam made the Puppy Dog Face a lot.

Then, he started to feed Chloe his pretzel. Chloe was loving that!

Both kids seemed to enjoy their evening. We had to leave a little earlier than normal so that Adam could get to bed. Chloe was okay with that.

Monday, July 4, 2011

First Fourth of July

Today was Adam's first Fourth of July. Dad went golfing in the morning while Mom and Adam hung out at home with Chloe. When Dad was done, we went to Aunt Rosie and Uncle Lonnie's house for a cookout. Adam met his cousins Maria, Marco, and Elena for the first time. They just came home from Sicily.

When it was time to eat, Adam had a hot dog. Tux was there to make sure that he didn't drop anything on the floor. Adam not only ate the hot dog, but he also sampled potato salad, macaroni salad, baked beans and fruit salad with dip.

Then, it was time for dessert. Grandma held Adam while Mom fed him a gob. Adam really likes dessert!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Swimming at Brian and Kristen's House

While Dad went golfing with Brian, Uncle Mark, and Joe, Mom and Adam made their way over the Brian and Kristen's house to swim. Dad and Brian met us there to swim when they were done golfing.
Brian and Kristen even had a special little raft for Adam to use. 

After swimming, Adam took a break and sat with Mom and Kristen. Then, it was time for an afternoon nap in the stroller while the adults had lunch.