Saturday, April 30, 2011

All Dressed Up

Adam went to Mom and Dad's friend, Donnie's, wedding ceremony. Before the reception, we dropped Adam off at Grandma and Granpap's house. We took this picture before we left for the reception.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mini Pirates Hat

Last week, Mom went to the Pirates game with people from work. Her friends, Brian and Kristen, got ice cream in this little Pirates hat. Mom brought it home for Adam to play with. Dad put it on his head while Mom snapped this quick picture.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Monkey Chair

Grandma and Grandpap D bought Adam this Monkey folding chair. Grandma was watching him today and tried to have him sit in it for a picture. He did pretty good, but when he wanted out of the chair, he just kind of rolled out. Once Adam can stand up, we are sure that he will like his chair even more.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter

Today was Adam's first Easter. After going to church and breakfast, it was time to see what the Easter Bunny brought him - new cars and a toy for the tub! 

Adam got a lot of other presents today. Some of them came from Grandma and Grandpap D, Uncle Mark and Aunt Shana. It was more cars and playsets for the cars! Uncle Mark helped Adam open his gifts.

Of course, we have to get a picture of Adam with Chloe as well as a family picture. It was a great Easter! 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Swimming - Week 6

Dad and Grandma Wilson took Adam to his swimming lesson today. This was the last one of the session. At the end of class, Adam was given a participation certificate. It is now on the refrigerator. We signed his up for another six-week session. He gets one week off then it is back to the pool.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dying Eggs and the Easter Bunny

Today was a really busy day! Mom and Dad took Adam to the mall to see the Easter Bunny. He only cried a little bit, so that was pretty good.

When we got home, we dyed our Easter Eggs. Adam tried to help Mom and Dad. We let him put the eggs into the cups, but he wasn't allowed to touch them once they were dyed. He only dropped one egg on the floor.
He did drop one egg into the cup only to get splashed in the face with dye. It landed right between his eyes. 

Later that night, we were supposed to have Adam's first Easter egg hunt, but it was cancelled because of the rain. The Easter Bunny still made a special trip to everyone's house on our street. He brought Adam a few fun toys. Hopefully next year, he will be able to go to his first egg hunt. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dinner with Mrs. Parente

Tonight, Mom and Adam went with Grandma to dinner with Mrs. Parente. Adam thought that Mrs. Parente's keys were better than any toy that Mom brought in the bag. She also brought an Easter present for Adam. He is so spoiled!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Swimming - Week 5

It was back to Dad for swimming lessons today. This week, Dad tried to make Adam grow by sprinkling him with water from the elephant water can. We will see in a few weeks when he goes to his 9-month check-up if that worked. Mom also got an action shot of Dad tossing Adam into the air during one of their songs, "The People on the Bus". 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Adam and Ryan

Today was a day that Heather and Ryan come over to watch Adam. Heather took this picture of the two cousins playing together. I am glad to see that they both like the taste of the shapes for Adam's cookie jar!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

At the Work Bench

Adam is really starting to pull himself up. This afternoon, he used his work bench to pull himself onto his knees. This was a Christmas gift from Mom's friend, Lori, and her son, Noah. He is really starting to play with all of his toys now. It is so neat to watch how his motor skills are developing.
(Note: Chloe hanging in the background...or as we like to say, the creapy dog in the background.)

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Tooth

Adam is finally getting his first tooth. Mom tried to take a picture to show everyone, but this was as good as it got. Maybe when it is in more, we will see it better.
(And, yes, Adam is wearing a Christmas bib.)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enjoying the Great Weather

After church, we went outside and took a few pictures. It was a beautiful day, and we wanted to take advantage of the great weather. After lunch, we went for a walk in South Park. Adam got to wear his new Pirates hat. This was Dad's favorite. He really wanted one like Adam's, but they didn't have it in his size. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Swimming - Week 4

This week, it was Mom's turn to get in the water with Adam. He was a very happy little guy this week. He is definitely into the green ball. He did make Mom feel bad when she dunked him, but he was okay. Two more weeks to go... 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Time to Lower the Crib Mattress

This morning, Dad went in to get Adam and he was standing there looking at him. Right after breakfast, Dad lowered the crib mattress. It is all the way down now! 

Monday, April 4, 2011


We introduced Adam to Sweet Potato Puffs! It is fun watching him pick them up and get them into his mouth. Sometimes, he does miss his mouth.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Tunnel

Yesterday, Mom brought home a tunnel for Adam. She was over the neighbor's house and saw it. Adam and Chloe both love the tunnel! We are sure that we will have many hours of fun with this new toy. 

Swimming - Week 3

Dad couldn't make it to swimming this week, so Uncle Mark stepped in. Adam had a lot of fun with Uncle Mark. They sang the songs and played in the water. Uncle Mark even dunked Adam. Mom watched from the bleachers.