Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1st was a busy day!

Adam had a busy day today. Today, we had our first tummy time. Adam didn't seem to mind. In fact, it looks like he enjoyed it. It took both mom and dad so that we could keep the curious puppy off of the mat. Adam ended tummy time by napping with dad.

Then, we decided to take Adam for his first walk. After we took this picture, we used his one toy to help prop up his head. Before our next outing, we will use a few receiving blankets to keep his head in place. He slept through the walk, so we guess he wasn't that uncomfortable.

Later that night, we had our family over to celebrate dad's 30th Birthday. This was the first time that Grandma Wilson held Adam. It was also the first time that Great Grandma met Adam.

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