Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

Merry 1st Christmas to Adam! Today will be a day full of visitors. We have Christmas dinner at our house, so Adam will be able to lounge in his Christmas pj's all day long!

Mom and Dad helped Adam open gifts all day! He got gifts from Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpap D, Uncle Mark and Aunt Shana, Dina and Ron, Aunt Rosie and Uncle Lonnie, Lori and Noah, and Joe, Heather and Ryan. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts! We opened them all the next day so that Adam could try them all out. 

One gift that he got was a bike from Uncle Mark and Aunt Shana. He loves his bike! When he gets fussy at night, we have found that putting him in it and riding around the basement calms him down. Chloe doesn't like it so much. She likes to bark at it! This summer, we can take our walks with Adam in his bike. 

What a great Christmas!!

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