Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ski Trip 2011

Every winter, we take a ski trip to Deep Creek, MD. Adam can't ski yet, but he went along for the ride.

When we were packing the night before, Adam got into the spirit by wearing Dad's ski goggles. Before we know it, he will be wearing his own pair and heading down the slopes!

While we were waiting for others to arrive, Adam amused himself by playing on the floor with his blanket. He is rolling over a lot now, and it didn't take long before he was all tangled up.

Once everyone arrived, we went to dinner at a local brewery. We passed Adam around for a few pictures with Mom, Dad, Aunt Shana and Uncle Mark.
Uncle Mark's friend, Matt, even took Adam for a while. Adam really sized up Matt.
Mom wasn't going to pass up the chance to put Adam in his Bear Suit and take him out in the snow. At first, it was okay, but then, Adam fell over. He was not happy when the cold snow flew up in his face.
 So, we had to warm up by the fire.

Before we left, we took a family picture in front of the fire place. Next year, Adam should enjoy playing in the snow a little more.

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